The Rising Above (formerly called Rising Tide) program was established in 1996 under the Urban League of Greater Cleveland. The program’s credo is “a rising tide lifts all ships,” meaning that making a positive impact on one individual can ultimately benefit to those around that person. Rising Above was founded to assist incarcerated fathers in learning to accept and fulfill their parental responsibilities. It helped fathers with a range of issues from preparing for the job market, addressing child support issues and gaining employment upon release from prison.
In 2005, The Rising Above Program partnered with the Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative Office and modified its target population to include any father in Greater Cleveland, Ohio but the program model remained the same. One year later, Maurice Stevens became program director and infused a more intensified workforce development perspective into the program content.
Here is an article from Crain’s Cleveland Business, which speaks of the support and skills this program has developed.
The Rising Above program model is designed to assist fathers with enhancing their employability skills and becoming self sufficient so that they may strengthen their relationships with their children and family. The following are measurable objectives:
enhanced employability skills;
decreased involvement in the child welfare system; and
increased use of non-violent conflict management techniques to solve family-specific problems.
Increased involvement between fathers and their children
To be eligible to participate in Rising Above, the individual must:
be at least 18 years of age;
be a father of a minor child;
have completed high school or received a GED; and
Must be a resident of Cuyahoga County
Rising Above targets fathers with the following characteristics, although these fathers may also have other characteristics that lead to vulnerability in parenting.
Incomes below the federal poverty level and/or at low income status.
Recent or long-term lack of employment.
Limited interaction with their children either due to or independent of an existing court/protection order.
Interest in improving, strengthening or developing a relationship with one or more of their children
Goal Setting
Life Planning
Effective Communication Skills
Team Building
Skills Identification
Manage Adversity
Conflict Resolution
Resumes & Cover Letters
Job Follow Up
Interviewing Skills
Answering Problem Questions
Financial Literacy
Money Management
Rent vs. Own
Collateral Sanctions
Entrepreneurship 101
OSHA 10 – Health and Safety Training & Certification
Entrepreneurship 201
Business Planning & Development
Marketing Strategies for Success
Guest Speakers
Open Discussions
Employer Expectations
Most Effective Job Search Methods & The OOH
Networking for Success
Fatherhood and Family Dynamics
Child & Human Development
Courthouse Navigation / Pro Se
Child Support and Mediation Awareness Services
CDPS | Career Development and Placement Strategies
Akron Office
Carpentry & Building Trades Training
180 East South Street,
Akron, Ohio 44311
Cleveland Office
26300 Cedar Rd. Beachwood, Ohio 44122